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167 Celestine II (1143-1144) 1 Ex castro Tyberis (From a castle on the Tiber) Hist.: Born in Città di Castello, Umbria, on the shores of the Tiber.
168 Lucius II (1144-1145) 2 Inimicus expulsus (Enemy Expelled) Gheraldo Caccianemici, of Bologna. Noble whose surname signifies "expels enemies" and complied with currency and surname, inasmuch as with armour and shield of leather took the Capitol of Rome, but was mortally wounded in it takes of the Senate, dying in the monastery of San Gregorio, outside Rome. Enemy expelled, by their own parishioners, in defiance with the Papacy, and supported by the Normans that occupied the south of Italy.
169 Eugenius III (1145-1153) 3 Ex magnitudine montis (Of the greatness of the mount) Among the alternate names seen for him, very difficult to verify, Pietro (or Bernardo) di Paganelli (or Pignatelli) di Montemagno.
170 Anastasius IV (1153-1154) 4 Abbas Suburranus (A Suburran Abbot) He was from the Suburra family.
171 Adrian IV (1154-1159) 5 De rure albo (From the white Field) Educated at the St Albans School in Hertfordshire.
Antipope Victor IV (1159-1164) 6 Ex tetro carcere (Out of a harsh prison) He was Cardinal of the title of St. Nicholas at the Tullian prison.
Antipope Paschal III (1164-1168) 7 Via trans-Tyberina (Road beyond the Tiber) When Cardinal, he was titular of the Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere.
Antipope Callixtus III (1168-1178) 8 De Pannonia Tusciae (From Tuscian Hungary) He was the Hungarian John, Abbot of Struma.
172 Alexander III (1159-1181) 9 Ex ansere custode (Out of the guardian goose) His family's coat of arms had a goose on it.
173 Lucius III (1181-1185) 10 Lux in ostio (A light in the entrance) In 1159, he became Cardinal Bishop of Ostia. Lux may also be a wordplay on Lucius.
174 Urban III (1185-1187) 11 Sus in cribo (A sow in a sieve) His family name, Crivelli, in Italian means a sieve.
175 Gregory VIII (1187) 12 Ensis Laurentii (The sword of Laurence) He was Cardinal of St. Laurence and his armorial bearing was a drawn sword.
176 Clement III (1187-1191) 13 De schola exiet (Let him come out of school) His family name was Scolari.
177 Celestine III (1191-1198) 14 De rure bovensi (From cattle country) He was from the Bobone family; a wordplay on cattle.
178 Innocent III (1198-1216) 15 Comes signatus (Signed Count) Descendant of the Segni family.
179 Honorius III (1216-1227) 16 Canonicus de latere (A canon from the side or from the Lateran) He was a canon of St. John Lateran.
180 Gregory IX (1227-1241) 17 Avis Ostiensis (Bird of Ostia) Before his election he was Cardinal of Ostia.
181 Celestine IV (1241) 18 Leo Sabinus (The Sabine lion) He was Cardinal Bishop of Sabina and his armorial bearing had a lion in it.
182 Innocent IV (1243-1254) 19 Comes Laurentius (Count Laurence) He was Cardinal of St. Laurence.
183 Alexander IV (1254-1261) 20 Signum Ostiense (A sign of Ostia) He was Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and member of the Conti-Segni family.
184 Urban IV (1261-1264) 21 Hierusalem Campaniae (Jerusalem of Champagne or to Campania) Native of Troyes, Champagne, later patriarch of Jerusalem.
185 Clement IV (1265-1268) 22 Draco depressus (A dragon held down) His coat of arms had an eagle crushing a dragon.
186 Gregory X (1271-1276) 23 Anguinus vir (A snake-like man) The Visconti coat of arms had a large serpent in it devouring a male child feet first."
187 Innocent V (1276) 24 Concionatur Gallus (Let the Frenchman orate or Let the cock crow) He was born in south-eastern France and was a member of the order of Preachers.
188 Adrian V (1276) 25 Bonus Comes (A good count (or companion)) He was a count and a wordplay on "good" can be made with his name, Ottobono.
189 John XXI (1276-1277) 26 Piscator Tuscus (The Tuscan fisherman) He had been Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum prior to his Papacy.
190 Nicholas III (1277-1280) 27 Rosa composita (A compound rose) He bore a rose in his coat of arms.
191 Martin IV (1281-1285) 28 Ex teloneo liliacei Martini (From the customs-house of Martin of the Lilies) He was Canon and Treasurer at the Church of St. Martin in Tours, France.
192 Honorius IV (1285-1287) 29 Ex rosa leonina (Out of the leonine rose) His coat of arms which showed two lions holding a rose.
193 Nicholas IV (1288-1292) 30 Picus inter escas (A woodpecker among fodder). He was from Ascoli, now called Ascoli Piceno, in Picene country.
194 St. Celestine V (1294) 31 Ex eremo celsus (Elevated from a hermit) Hist.: prior to his election he was a hermit.
195 Boniface VIII (1294-1303) 32 Ex undarum benedictione (From a blessing of the waves) His coat of arms had a wave through it. Also wordplay on his name, Benedetto.
196 Benedict XI (1303-1304) 33 Concionator patereus (A "patereus" preacher) He belonged to the Order of Preachers.
197 Clement V (1305-1314) 34 De fessis Aquitanicis (From the Bonds of Aquitaine) He was a native of St‑Bertrand-de‑Comminges in Aquitaine, and eventually became Archbishop of Bordeaux, also in Aquitaine.
198 John XXII (1316-1334) 35 De sutore osseo (Of the bony cobbler) His family name was Duèze, D'Euze, D'Euzes, or Euse, the last of which might be back-translated into Latin as Ossa.
Anti-pope Nicholas V (1328-1330) 36 Corvus schismaticus (The schismatic crow) Note the reference to the schism, the only anti-pope at this period.
199 Benedict XII (1334-1342) 37 Frigidus Abbas (Cold Abbot) He was a priest in the monastery of Fontfroide ("cold spring").
200 Clement VI (1342-1352) 38 De rosa Attrebatensi (From the rose of Arras) He was Bishop of Arras, (Latin: Episcopus Atrebatensis), and his armorial bearings showed six roses.
201 Innocent VI (1352-1362) 39 De montibus Pammachii (From the mountains of Pammachius) He had been Cardinal Priest of the title Pammachius (i.e., the church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome)
202 Urban V (1362-1370) 40 Gallus Vice-comes (A French viscount) He was born of a noble French family.
203 Gregory XI (1370-1378) 41 Novus de Virgine forti (New from the virgin fort) Of the family of Beaufort.
Anti-pope Clement VII (1378-1394) 42 De cruce Apostilica (From an apostolic cross) His coat of arms showed a cross, quarterly pierced.
Anti-pope Benedict XIII (1394-1423) 43 Luna Cosmedina (The moon of Cosmedin) He was the famous Peter De Luna, Cardinal of the Title of Santa Maria in Cosmedin.
Anti-pope Clement VIII (1423-1429) 44 Schisma Barcinonicum (A schismatic from Barcelona) He was a Canon of Barcelona.
204 Urban VI (1378-1389) 45 De Inferno praegnanti (From hell in childbirth) His family name was Prignano or Prignani, and he was a native of a place called Inferno near Naples.
205 Boniface IX (1389-1404) 46 Cubus de mixtione (The block of mixture) His coat of arms includes a bend chequy — a wide stripe with a checkerboard pattern.
206 Innocent VII (1404-1406) 47 De meliore sydere (From a better star) There was a large shooting star on his coat of arms.
207 Gregory XII (1406-1415) 48 Nauta de ponte nigro (Sailor from the black bridge) He was Commendatarius of the Church of Nigripontis.
Anti-pope Alexander V (1409-1410) 49 Flagellum Solis (Scourge of the sun) His coat of arms had a large sun on it.
Anti-pope John XXIII (1410-1415) 50 Cervus Sirenae (Stag of the Siren) He became Cardinal of the title of St. Eustachius, who has the stag as an emblem. His family was originally from Naples, which has the emblem of the siren.
208 Martin V (1417-1431) 51 Corona veli aurei (Crown with the golden veil) His coat of arms had a golden crown resting atop a column.
209 Eugenius IV (1431-1447) 52 Lupa caelestina (Celestinian or heavenly she-wolf) He belonged to the order of the Celestines and also was Bishop of Siena which bears a she-wolf on its arms.
Antipope Felix V (1439-1449) 53 Amator crucis (Lover of the Cross).
210 Nicholas V (1447-1455) 54 De modicitate lunae (Of the moon's temperance) He was born in Sarzana in the diocese of Luni, the ancient name of which was Luna.
211 Callixtus III (1455-1458) 55 Bos pascens (Grazing ox) Alphonse Borgia's arms sported a grazing ox.
212 Pius II (1458-1464) 56 De capra et Albergo (From a she-goat and a tavern) He had been secretary to Cardinal Capranica and Cardinal Albergato before he was elected Pope.
213 Paul II (1464-1471) 57 De cervo et Leone (From a stag and a lion) Possibly refers to his Bishopric of Cervia (a stag) and his Cardinal title of St. Mark (a lion).
214 Sixtus IV (1471-1484) 58 Piscator Minorita (Minorite fisherman) He was born the son of a fisherman and a member of the Minor Friars.
215 Innocent VIII (1484-1492) 59 Praecursor Siciliae (A fore-runner from Sicily or of Sicily) During his earlier years, he spent much time at the court of the King of Sicily.
216 Alexander VI (1492-1503) 60 Bos Albanus in portu (Alban bull in the port) In 1456, he was made a Cardinal and he held the titles of Cardinal Bishop of Albano and Porto.
217 Pius III (1503) 61 De parvo homine (From a little man) His family name was Piccolomini, similar to piccoli uomini = "little men."
218 Julius II (1503-1513) 62 Fructus jovis juvabit (The fruit of Jupiter will help) On his arms was an oak tree, which was sacred to Jupiter.
219 Leo X (1513-1521) 63 De craticula Politiana (From a Politian gridiron) His educator and mentor was the distinguished humanist and scholar, Angelo Poliziano.
220 Adrian VI (1522-1523) 64 Leo Florentius (Florentine lion) His coat of arms had two lions on it, and his name is sometimes given as Adriaan Florens, or other variants, from his father's first name..
221 Clement VII (1523-1534) 65 Flos pilaei aegri (Flower of the Diseased Cap, or Flower of the Cap of the Diseased One) pilaeus, properly pileus, gen. pilei, a cap; but pila, gen. pilae, a ball; and on his coat of arms were six torteaux (circles/balls), the uppermost of which was charged with three fleurs-de-lis.
222 Paul III (1534-1549) 66 Hiacynthus medicorum (The Hyacinth among physicians)
223 Julius III (1550-1555) 67 De corona Montana (Out of the Crown the Mountain) His coat of arms showed mountains and palm branches laid out in a pattern much like a crown.
224 Marcellus II (1555) 68 Frumentum floccidum (Fluffy Wheat) His coat of arms showed a stag and ears of wheat.
225 Paul IV (1555-1559) 69 De fide Petri (Of the faith of Peter) He is stated to have used his second Christian name Pietro.
226 Pius IV (1559-1565) 70 Aesculapii pharmacum (The drug/medicine of Asclepius) His family name was Medici.
227 St. Pius V (1566-1572) 71 Angelus nemorosus (Angel of the Grove) He was born in Bosco, (Lombardy); the placename means grove. His name was 'Antonio Michele Ghisleri', and Michel relates to the archangel.
228 Gregory XIII (1572-1585) 72 Medium corpus pilarum (Middle of a body of balls or ... mortars).
229 Sixtus V (1585-1590) 73 Axis in medietate signi (An axis in the midst of signs) This is often said to be a description of his coat of arms; but his arms were a lion rampant holding a pear branch, a bend wavy charged with three mountains and a star.
230 Urban VII (1590) 74 De rore caeli (Of the Dew of the Heavens) He had been Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria where sap called "the dew of heaven" is gathered from trees.
231 Gregory XIV (1590-1591) 75 De antiquitate Urbis (Of the old age of the city) He was from Milan, a very old city.
232 Innocent IX (1591) 76 Pia civitas in bello (Pious City in War) He was the Patriarch of Jerusalem before succeeding to the Papacy.
233 Clement VIII (1592-1605) 77 Crux Romulea (Cross of Romulus) His coat of arms show an embattled bend, erroneously stated to be a "Roman cross" (and an embattled bend is not a cross; it's a diagonal stripe with a square wave on both sides).
234 Leo XI (1605) 78 Undosus Vir (Wavy Man).
235 Paul V (1605-1621) 79 Gens perversa (The Evil People) His coat of arms bore a dragon and an eagle, which is stated to be called the Gens Perversa in heraldic circles.
236 Gregory XV (1621-1623) 80 In tribulatione pacis (In the disturbance of peace)
237 Urban VIII (1623-1644) 81 Lilium et rosa (Lily and Rose) His pontificate saw a particular interest in the affairs of France (fleur de lis) and England (the rose).
238 Innocent X (1644-1655) 82 Jucunditas crucis (Joy of the Cross) He was raised to the pontificate after a long and difficult Conclave on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (off by a day).
239 Alexander VII (1655-1667) 83 Montium custos (Guardian of the Hills) His family crest includes three hills with a star above them.
240 Clement IX (1667-1669) 84 Sydus Olorum (Star of the swans) Upon his election, he is stated to have been the occupant of a "Chamber of Swans" in the Vatican.
241 Clement X (1670-1676) 85 De flumine magno (From a Great River).
242 Innocent XI (1676-1689) 86 Bellua insatiabilis (Insatiable beast).
243 Alexander VIII (1689-1691) 87 Poenitentia gloriosa (Glorious penitence) Possibly an allusion to the submission and repentance of the Gallican church during his pontificate.
244 Innocent XII (1691-1700) 88 Rastrum in porta (The rake at the door) Possibly an allusion to a Bull he issued banning nepotism from the Vatican, thus raking the gates to the papacy.
245 Clement XI (1700-1721) 89 Flores circumdati (Surrounded by Flowers) Urbino, the city where the Pope was born, is often stated to include a garland of flowers on its coat of arms. (It does not.)
246 Innocent XIII (1721-1724) 90 De bona Religione (Of the Good Religion) He was from the famous Conti family which had produced several Popes.
247 Benedict XIII (1724-1730) 91 Miles in bello (Soldier in War).
248 Clement XII (1730-1740) 92 Columna excelsa (Lofty Column)
249 Benedict XIV (1740-1758) 93 Animal rurale (Rural Animal)
250 Clement XIII (1758-1769) 94 Rosa Umbriae (The Rose of Umbria) Stated to have served in Umbria before becoming pope, and Umbria's emblem, or his "personal emblem" are variously stated to be the rose; neither is true.
251 Clement XIV (1769-1774) 95 Ursus velox (Swift Bear) It is often stated that his family crest bore a running bear; which is not true, nor did his own coat of arms as Pope.
252 Pius VI (1775-1799) 96 Peregrinus Apostolicus (Apostolic wanderer or pilgrim or eagle) Spent the last two years of his life as a fugitive from the political aftermath of the French Revolution.
253 Pius VII (1800-1823) 97 Aquila rapax (Rapacious eagle) The Pope's pontificate was overshadowed by Napoleon, whose emblem was the eagle.
254 Leo XII (1823-1829) 98 Canis et coluber (Dog and adder).
255 Pius VIII (1829-1830) 99 Vir religiosus (Religious Man).
256 Gregory XVI (1831-1846) 100 De balneis hetruriae (From the baths of Etruria) He was a Camaldolese, and the order is stated to have been founded by Saint Romuald, at Balneo, in Etruria, present day Tuscany; which is not true: there is no such place, and St. Romuald founded his order at Camaldoli. Gregory XVI also founded the Etruscan Museum in 1837 with archaeological finds from southern Etruria.
257 Pius IX (1846-1878) 101 Crux de cruce (Cross of the Cross) The Cross is the symbol of the House of Savoy, which reunited Italy and stripped the pope from its territorial possessions.
258 Leo XIII (1878-1903) 102 Lumen in caelo
(ХОР!!!!) (Light in the Sky) His coat of arms showed a shooting star.
259 St. Pius X (1903-1914) 103 Ignis ardens (Burning fire) See below
260 Benedict XV (1914- 1922) 104 Religio depopulata (Religion unpeopled) See below
261 Pius XI (1922-1939) 105 Fides intrepida (Intrepid faith) See below
262 Pius XII (1939-1958) 106 Pastor angelicus (An angelic shepherd) See below
263 John XXIII (1958-1963) 107 Pastor et Nauta (Shepherd and Sailor) See below
264 Paul VI (1963-1978) 108 Flos florum (Flower of flowers) See below
265 John Paul I (1978) 109 De medietate Lunae (Of the middleness of the moon) See below
266 John Paul II (1978-2005) 110 De labore Solis (Of the eclipse of the sun, or from the Labour of the sun or from the pregnancy of the sun) See below
267 Benedict XVI (2005-) 111 Gloria olivae (The glory of the olive or "to the olive") See below

? In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur, et Iudex tremdus iudicabit populum suum. Finis. (In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations; when they are over, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible or fearsome Judge will judge his people. The End.)
Most scholars believe that this prophecy was added at a later date.