Това е списък на устройството на вселенската йерархия с конкретни имена. Знам че в "Урантия" има подобен затова ми е интересно какви са разликите ако има такива но ми се струва че има. За мен е малко объркващо щото се поднасят различни информации и ми се струва че се преплитат тъмни и светли сили, а може би нещата са наистина толкова сложни точно защото различни постове са заети от личности свързани с тъмната страна.
Archangel Metatron and the 7 Mighty Archangels,
1. Michael and Faith
2. Jophiel and Christine
3. Chamuel and Charity
4. Gabriel and Hope
5. Raphael and Mother Mary
6. Uriel and Aurora
7. Zadekiel and Amethyst
The Archangelic Council
Archangel Ariel and the 7 Mighty Elohims,
1. Hercules and Amazonia
2. Apollo and Lumina
3. Heros and Amora
4. Purity and Astrea
5. Cyclopia and Virginia
6. Peace and Aloha
7. Arcturus and Victoria
The Elohim Council
Mahatma Cosmic Logoi, Multi Universal Logoi, Universal Logoi of the 700,000 Universes, the Mi-chael’s Creator’s God of the 700,000 Universes, the Galactic Logoi of the 700,000 Universes, the Solar Logoi of the 700,000 Universes, the 5,7 trillions Planetary Logoi of the 5,7 trillions inhabited planets,
- The Order of the Malachim
- The Order of Ishim
- The order of Elim
- The Order of Hasmalim
- The Order of Seraphim
- The Order of Erelim
- The Order of Saaphim
- The Order of Ophanim
- The Order of Cherubim
- The Order of B’nai Elohim
- The Order of Elohim
Melchizedek, the Universal Logos of NEBADON
Melchior the Galactic Logos
Lord of the Great Bear Star System
Logos of the Great Bear Star System
The Seven Beings who unsold the Seven Stars of the Great Bear Star System
The Seven Solar Logoi of this Galaxy
Lord of Sirius
Logos of Sirius
Lord of Pleiadas
Sanat Kumara our Solar Logos
Logos of Venus
Lord Arcturus, Planetary Logos of Arcturus
The Seven Planetary Logoi of our Solar System
Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos
The Lords of Karma:
- The Great Divine Director, representing the first ray
- The Goddess of Liberty, representing the second ray
- Lady Nada, representing the third ray
- Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, representing the fourth ray
- Elohim Vista, representing the fifth ray
- Quan Yin, representing the sixth ray
- Portia, the spokesperson for the Karmic Board, Goddess of Justice,
representing the seventh ray
Lord Maitreay, the Planetary Christ
Allah Gobi
The Manu
St. Germain, Mahachohan
El Morya, Chochan of the First Ray
Kuthumi, Chochan of the Second Ray
Seraphis Bey, Chochan of the Third Ray
Paul the Venetian, Chochan of the Fourth Ray
Hilarion, Chochan of the Fifth Ray
Sanada, Chochan of the Sixth Ray
St. Germain, Chochan of the Seventh Ray