Инфото което имам е от така наречените чаленги от същества които се предствавят да са "добрите" Проблема при подобни предавания е че не може да си 100% сигурен в достоверността и искреността както на приемателя така и на този който праща съобщението. Изобщо дезинформацията е голяма и не може да се каже кой крив кой прав така че аз никога не вярвам на 100% независимо от логичността на писаното или пък на това колко ми се иска да е вярно.
Така или иначе друго инфо от "НОРМАЛНИТЕ" медии няма да получим така че се налага да разчитаме на тези и да подбираме какво е вярно и какво не.
Ето ви инфото за урагана ви си преценете. Обаче и на мен ми се стрвуват прекалено нагласени нещата. Пак е много удобно на някои да спрат рафинериите във Флорида и да се дифне цената на петрола!
These hurricanes are in part the creation of the dark side. You are going to see that HAARP was used, and that IS NOT TRUE this year. It has been shut off.
This hurricane is a natural occurrence. However, it is mind controlled by the BBB&G’s,(тва е съкращение на Big Bad Boys & Girls) mostly in 4D, enhancing the hurricane, and its direction. They still want to sink New Orleans. Note however, as you watch it's progress, that it is moving away, to the west of New Orleans. The fact that it is a Category 5 at this point, is the result of the forces of light. In whipping up its strength while over water, it will "poop out" to a great degree before it hits land.
It can't be totally stopped, but it will be mitigated. If you live in the area effected, please do not in the reading of this, assume you will be safe. Please follow the evacuation orders given, as this will still be a hurricane. I would consider moving inland by anyone in its path, please follow common sense. I will discuss something of mind control from 4D later in this message. In the meantime, try to not buy into the fear being generated by the press at this time, in the descriptions being given about what the demise of New Orleans might entail.
Also, Mr. Bush supposedly gave a voice only message from Crawford Ranch today, carried live by CNN and Fox News. Any of you watching this may have noticed background noise and distortion. Then, you may have heard the announcement that after the speech, that there will be a visual done later of the speech. This is because this is not Mr. Bush speaking. It couldn't be filmed for this reason. That is the reason for the background noise. So now, they will use a past film of Mr. Bush, possibly create some computer generated speech to sound more like Mr. Bush, and then put this film before the public