Кабалите немогат чисто и просто да се махнат щото могат да повлекат със себе си милиони че и дори милиарди хора и дори да унищожат планетата с някои оръжия. Могат да се махнат при планирана директна намеса , но това е доста крайна мярка а и нещата трябва да се подготвят с оглед първия контакт да не се превърне в ШОК И УЖАС.
Относно свалените чинии ето част на английски от една по голяма статия относно инцидента и как точно са паднали чиниите:
The Initial WWII Incidents and the Crash at Roswell
During the 1940s, as well, events occurred that compelled Earth's major governments to deal with the dark 'off-worlders'. Washington State was the site of the first significant US crashes. At the time (1942), the US Navy was able to repudiate the accidents as 'war-related' incidents. Sadly, the cover-up continues to this day.
The major incidents, however, took place in New Mexico between midsummer 1947 and midsummer 1949. Most famous of these is the crash of three Zeta Reticuli observation ships near the city of Roswell, New Mexico, in early July of 1947. The crash occurred during the Zetas' mission to ascertain fledgling US atomic warfare capability, and as a result of their flight path.
During the last year of the War (1945), the US Navy and the US Army Air Force began to experiment with more advanced types of radar. This led, in the mid-1950s, to the successful development of the first highly secret, 'over-the-horizon' radar devices.
Two stations of this type were located in northern areas of New Mexico and Arizona. At the exact moment when their main tracking beams overlapped, they inadvertently created a strong electromagnetic field capable of briefly disrupting the photon beam fields that propel the typical Zeta Reticuli observation ship.
One of the flight paths that these Zeta Reticuli ships chose to observe our planet began at the North Pole, extended down Hudson Bay to the Rockies, and then traced this cordillera into northern Mexico. From there, they followed the lands of northern Mexico into the Caribbean and, finally, back into outer space.
Between the midsummers of 1947 and '49, the two secret experimental radar stations carried out specific tests that, for extended periods, combined tracking beams. During the same time period, numerous Zeta Reticuli ships were ordered by their star-nation to increase surveillance 'runs' over North America. The rest is history.
In early July 1947, three observation crafts encountered the beams of these secret radar facilities, severely disrupting their propulsion fields. The emergency that resulted somewhat resembled a severe 'stall' in a conventional aircraft during high wind turbulence. The spacecrafts' pilots, unable to regain proper control, rapidly lost altitude and crashed.