Един от коментарите в ютюуб казва, че познава човека, който го е правил:
a Bored compsci grad did this at Berkley. I know the bastard. Damn good prankster. Man did he get so many people on this and now its mutated into a life of its own.
Друг казва, че резолюцията на сондите е много по-ясна от тази на обкръжаващата среда и следователно е компютърна анимация.
These are all CGI's ya know? not too tought to tell...they are high resolution where as the surrounding image is just standard definition...besides that...?
Според трети, тези "кораби" са били взети от музикален видео клип. Клипът и моделите са били направени в британско анимационно студио по поръчка на някакъв немски техно-музикант (techno-artist) с псевдоним DRONE:
Hi Everyone,
From what I understand, the California drone ships are based on a music video for the German techno artist DRONE. The drone ships were made by a UK animation studio for a music video. Someone took the image and put it in live action footage and stared the rumour of the UFO in order to draw attention to the music video. a very clever mareting ploy. This, however, is not to say that UFOs do not exist but that in this case, it was a fake. Keep looking up!!! The truth is out there!!!