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Неактивен BloodMaster

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UFO сигнали
« -: Октомври 13, 2005, 18:38:59 pm »

Occurred : 8/31/2005 00:00 (Entered as : 0:00)
Reported: 8/31/2005 7:39:17 AM 07:39
Posted: 9/2/2005
Location: Sofia (Bulgaria),
Shape: Circle
We were staying in the school yard wiht my one of my friends and it mas above midnight. I was watching the sky when I saw a red colored,bright,oval spot. First I thaught, that it was a big star,but than it moves. I am sure that it wasn't a plane or a something I've ever seen-it movement was too fast and...unlogical, left and then right. The pilot might be drunk, right! I don't think so.

((NUFORC Note: Witness does not indicate a date of the incident. We have assigned an arbitrary date above. Return e-address is from Bulgaria. PD))

« Последна редакция: Октомври 13, 2005, 18:42:12 pm от BloodMaster »
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Неактивен BloodMaster

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Re: UFO сигнали
« Отговор #1 -: Октомври 13, 2005, 18:44:16 pm »
Occurred : 9/26/2002 15:55 (Entered as : 09.26.2002 15:55)
Reported: 9/26/2002 8:55:33 AM 08:55
Posted: 9/28/2002
Location: Sofia (Bulgaria),
Shape: Other
Duration:25 min.
just like Moon of Venus phase , like hook , white in color

At 15:55 suddenly I spot object at south direction from Sofia near the clouds . First I think that this was human craft but when I turn my binocular(20X60) towards the object under the magnification I saw white object looking just like phase of Moon or Venus or like little hook .
At the moment I start our UFO-ALERT and take out all my optical arsenal , I telephone to few of the members but find only one of them and he was informed about the situation . The observation was hard because there are big clouds and for 25 minutes I was abble to see the UFO only for few seconds time . I try to fix it with 50Xpower spotting scope installed on a tripod but without any result . At 15:20 so many dark clouds enter all the sky that it was inpossible to watch the UFO and we stop the observation .
There are no witnesses for this sighting ,the other member failed to track the UFO . This was my third UFO observation in my life but this type of UFO I saw for first time . Before I read about hook-looking UFOs in russian UFO webs . Here in Sofia we(few amateur-astromers) have UFO-ALERT system about situations like this today .

Occurred : 1/14/1993 03:30 (Entered as : 01/14/1993 3:30)
Reported: 11/20/2003 6:49:42 AM 06:49
Posted: 11/26/2003
Location: Assenovgrad (Bulgaria),
Shape: Light
Duration:45 min
UFO near Assenovgrad - Bulgaria

Thank you for creating this site. The incident happened some ten years ago, but probably you will be interested.

I was a soldier in the Bulgarian army. I had a duty between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning. Those days I hadn't a swatch on me, that's why I often used to check the time looking at the stars. This time I saw a light, which was moving with random speed, changing its direction rather chaotic. First thought was that this should be a helicopter from the near airbase, but helicopters do not move like that, and do not have this type of light. I would say that the object was looking like a bright star, which was probably not so far from us. It moved sometimes slow, sometimes faster, and traectory was not straight, but rather chaotic. I actualy have some idea where this object exactly was, but I am no sure if I can say that in the Internet. At 4 o'clock my colleague came to change me. With him there were three more people. Later on he said that after about 15 more minutes, the object suddenly disappeared: 'It was like a falling star - not falling on the ground, but falling in the sky.' I would add that there was no sound, no flashes, no color changes.

((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))

Occurred : 7/13/1985 (Entered as : 13.7.1985)
Reported: 12/23/2000 14:08
Posted: 1/3/2001
Location: Biala (Bulgaria),
Shape: Disk
((NUFORC Note: Witness submits a cryptic report regarding the apparent sighting of a disk. Date may be approximate. PD))
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Неактивен H.

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Re: UFO сигнали
« Отговор #2 -: Октомври 13, 2005, 22:02:28 pm »
Хохохохо - такива колко съм ги чел... С купища са в нета! И странното е, че все български НЛО-та по чужди сайтове!!! Как един не писа тук или някъде другаде да кажем - в български сайт!
Половината са фалшиви. Другите видели нещо и го мислят за НЛО. Има и истински. Специално за тези не мога да кажа...


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Отг: UFO сигнали
« Отговор #3 -: Декември 19, 2005, 11:51:47 am »
Понеже снимките са 8 на борй и то големи, поствам сайта.
Кажете си мнението:)))

Оберон Гладен

Неактивен H.

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Отг: UFO сигнали
« Отговор #4 -: Декември 19, 2005, 13:27:42 pm »
Ми мяза на комета, само дето лети отдолу нагоре :P

Неактивен Mirotvorec

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Отг: UFO сигнали
« Отговор #5 -: Декември 19, 2005, 19:52:53 pm »
Прилича ми на това, което излиза от дюзите на ракета-носител.

А тия "ракети" вляво, видяхте ли ги? И изобщо не са извънземни  ;D
Не мисли като човек!-Крион


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