Toчно го намерих и ми стана интересно че даваш потвърждение на това:
They came with ten million starships. These are here now along with many other Starships from more than 200 other Star Nations. So, what I am saying is that all the stars that you now see in the night sky are not stars at all. All the stars are Starships which have taken the place of the stars.
Many of the "stars" flash colored lights because many starships have strobe lights flashing the seven colors of the rainbow. You can easily see these flashing colors with the naked eye. If you look at them with a binoculars they appear as a lighted Christmas tree of many colors. Other starships are flashing blue or white lights.
The starships move up and down and across the sky. They look far different than airplanes or satellites. You can communicate with the starship by thought by focusing your eyes and energy on a single starship that you see in the night sky. Think a "yes" or "no" question and tell them to use the movement up and down in the sky for "yes" and back and forth, sideways for "no". Try the question, "Are you a starship?" Now, watch the starship for any movement. If you are serious in your thoughts, the Star People will communicate telepathically with you. Try this process with the moon!
Our Star Friends are here and are waiting to land in what is called "First Contact". They come in peace and will land when we have peace on our planet. When NESARA is announced publicly in the U.S., peace will be declared. Then within about two weeks the starships will land all over our planet. People need not be afraid, for they come to help us. May of them are our ancestors.